Prior to using remoteTRIGGER or remoteSETTINGS, you must configure this server to use your Flowroute account. You can find these values by navigating to the following link, under SIP Credentials.
Flowroute™ - Interconnection & RoutingPrior to using mobilePBX, you must configure this server to use your Flowroute API Key. You can find or create these values by navigating to the following link. You must also set the SMS callback to
https://[[configuration.hostName]]/api/sms/flowroute on the same page.
Flowroute™ - API ControlPlease enter a comma-seperated list of numbers to use for outbound SMS notifications. These must be numbers (DTD's) purchased from Flowroute. You can also reuse any numbers purchased for mobilePBX. You must have at least one number for outbound SMS notifications to work. You can purchase additional numbers for SMS notifications here:
DIDs - Purchase DIDs - Flowroute™.
Prior to using remoteTRIGGER or remoteSETTINGS, you must configure this server to use your Nexmo account. You can find these values by navigating to the following link, under API Settings.
Nexmo - Account SettingsPlease enter a comma-seperated list of numbers to use for outbound SMS notifications. These must be numbers (DTD's) purchased from Nexmo. You can also reuse any numbers purchased for mobilePBX. You must have at least one number for outbound SMS notifications to work. You can purchase additional numbers for SMS notifications here:
Numbers: Buy Numbers.
Prior to using mobilePBX, you must configure this server to use your Nexmo Signature Secret and set the Inbound Message url and HTTP Method. These can be found on the same API page you accessed to get your Access and Secret Keys:
Nexmo - Account SettingsInbound Messages | https://[[configuration.hostName]]/api/sms/nexmo |
Enter the
Signature Secret value from the Nexmo account page below:
Please select the ringing tone that inbound mobilePBX callers will hear.
Streaming Video (hotVID) Configuration
Update Configuration
Public IP Address
Serial Number
Linux Distribution
Number of CPUs
Disk Space Used
Disk Space Remaining
System Load Averages
[[formatDecimal(configuration.systemLoad.load1,1)]] [[formatDecimal(configuration.systemLoad.load5,1)]] [[formatDecimal(configuration.systemLoad.load15,1)]]
System CPU Usage
User [[formatDecimal(configuration.systemLoad.systemCPU,1)]]% | System [[formatDecimal(configuration.systemLoad.userCPU,1)]]% | Wait [[formatDecimal(configuration.systemLoad.waitCPU,1)]]%
System Memory Usage
[[_formatMemory(configuration.memorySpace.memUsed, configuration.memorySpace.memTotal)]]
System Swap Usage
[[_formatMemory(configuration.memorySpace.swapUsed, configuration.memorySpace.swapTotal)]]
Flowroute Status
Nexmo Status
Not Reachable
Network Status
remoteTRIGGER jobs in queue
remoteSettings jobs in queue
Photo jobs in queue
Deleted Device jobs in queue